After reading and reviewing your final project and essay proposals, I think it would be best to extend the deadline to MONDAY December 20th at 11:59 pm (midnight). I want to make sure you have enough time to create really successful final projects, and that you have an opportunity to ask any questions from me or have me or another classmate look at your drafts.
Since I will be extending the deadline, I would like for you to write one final blog before posting your final project. By Friday, December 17th at 11:59, I would like for you to post a reflection about the course. You can use the questions below to get you started.
What have you learned this semester? What sort of ideas, themes, concepts, and questions have we explored, and how have they helped you to understand the vampire figure and its significance in literature and in our culture? How have you developed a better appreciation for the novel? What sort of reading processes has this course encouraged and how do you feel you've developed as a reader and a writer? What novel had the greatest effect on you? Why? How have your thoughts about the vampire changed? Do you see this figure differently now since you began the course? How did you feel about the blog and discussion format of the course? Looking back on your work, is there something you would have done differently? Do you think you experimented enough with the format? Did you take risks with the questions provided, and did you take the opportunity to push your thinking and your analyses further? How did your peers affect the way you read these novels? How did reading your peers' blogs, comments, and posts change the way you approached these works? Are there a few blogs and posters that really stuck out to you as being particularly helpful and interesting, and what made them so? How do you feel about the quality of your final project? Do you think this final project has helped you to explore some of the course themes in more depth? How so?
Again, please post your responses to these questions by Friday, December 17th at 11:59 pm. You do NOT have to comment on blogs.
Your final projects must be posted to your blogs by Monday, December 20th at 11:59 pm. As a precautionary measure, please email me any necessary materials by then, as well.
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